Plumbing Systems
When people think of plumbing, most people do not think that interior designers have anything to do with that. The further I read in the chapter you see how it can affect the design of a room. We can also help choose plumbing options that are more environmentally friendly. There are three different kinds of water that flows in the plumbing systems. There is portable water than can be used for cooking and drinking, grey water that comes from shower, laundry, etc that can reused but not to drink, and last there is black water that could contain sewage. Black water cannot be reused. There were many different options for designers to choose to help lower the usage of water. For toilets there are low-flow toilets, dual-flushing toilets, waterless urinals, and many more. Low-flow toilets hold less water in their water closets. More and more codes are changing so that it is a requirement to install low-flow toilets. Dual-flushing toi...